Join CPA Lead that pay you twice amounth. Aplied in Facebook

Some users from CPAlead are making over $20,000 per month. This can be seen in the chat box on the site where the admin of the site publishes various facts from the previous day and month.
What is Virtual Currency and what is CPALead?
A very good question. is an incentive based advertising company. Now there is another question what is an incentive based advert. An incentive based advert is an advert which a user such as yourself must do something before they can do something else. For example – If you have some premium content on your website that you would like to earn money from then a user could fill out a survey to gain access. now have a virtual currency which is a system where a user can complete a survey, text, pay by paypal etc to earn virtual currency e.g. on our stargate game if a user completes a survey I would earn between $1 to $60 for a user completing a survey and in return the user gains access to special weapons or energy boosts.
We have wrote the necessary scripts to enable you to incorporate offers onto your facebook application.
We did try the instructions provided by them but they were a touch complex. So to make things easier we have provided all the necessary information for you to do it.

Cpalead earnings in 16 days
Cpalead earnings in 16 days
If you are wondering what the commisions are then this is further incentive to use cpalead as they have a referal system so if you reccomend someone you earn commision on any money they make.
Whats even better with CPAlead most of the surveys they provide only require one page to be complete on the surveys before you earn commision. As an example we have made the following content premium content. Dont forget you only need to complete one or at most two pages to receive the correct code to implement it on facebook.

Firstly, create a new file called cpalead.php on your server with the following code insterted.

require_once ‘appinclude.php’;

The file that is being called inside the cpalead.php file appinclude.php has the api connection to get the users id from facebook. This is required to send the subid to cpalead so that when a user has completed an offer the users details are updated.
The appinclude.php file should look something like this

require_once ‘facebook.php’;
$appapikey = ‘YOURAPIKEY’;
$appsecret = ‘YOURSECRETKEY’;
$facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret);
$user = $facebook->require_login();
The facebook.php file is from the client libraries on facebook.
Now you need to setup an updatepoints.php file which will be used to update the users information once the survey is complete.
The file should look like this:

/// Starts connection to the database
$dbhost = ‘localhost’;
$dbuser = ‘dbusername’;
$dbpass = ‘databasepassword’;
$dbname = ‘databasename’;
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
mysql_select_db($dbname, $conn);
function query($q) {
global $conn;
$result = mysql_query($q, $conn);
if (!$result) {
die(“Invalid query — $q — ” . mysql_error());
return $result;
//CPALead integration
$subid = $_REQUEST['subid'];
$survey = $_REQUEST['survey'];
$earn = $_REQUEST['earn'];
$pdtshow = $_REQUEST['pdtshow'];
if( !empty($_REQUEST['subid']) ) {
$res = query(“UPDATE `cu_users` SET `ufavpoint` = (`ufavpoint`+”.$pdtshow.”) WHERE `userid`=”.$subid.”");
if( $res ) {
echo “Success: “.$subid.” earned “.$pdtshow.” points\n”;
else {
echo 0;
Now in this example the database table that is being updated is `cu_users` where there is a column for favorpoints which is called `ufavpoint`is updates the ufavpoint with $pdtshow for the user that completed the offer `userid`=”.$subid.”
So now you need to create the widget on
The callback url will be and all the other settings are self explanitory on the cpalead website.
Now to put the widget on any page in your app just insert the following code:

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